Elective courses

Besides passing each course listed in the curriculum of your study programme, in order to fulfil the requirements of the Computer Science MSc course, students also have to pass some further (so-called) elective courses. Any course offered by ELTE, that is not a compulsory course in the curriculum of your study programme, is considered as an elective course. Besides their compulsory courses, students can study several subjects at ELTE. In the last semester, Computer Science Master's students took and passed the following courses, just to name a few: Selected topics in graph theory, Chinese for beginners, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Russian literature. Of course, we offer a wide range of subjects in computer science as well.

Computer Science MSc: The total credit value of the compulsory courses is 113, and one has to obtain 120 credits in total. It means that apart from the compulsory courses, students have to pass some additional courses during their Master studies at ELTE in the amount of 7 credits.
Students of the Computer Science for Autonomous Systems course have to pass elective courses in the amount of 10 credits.

It is up to you, how many elective course credits you obtain a semester, but you have to obtain certain number of credits in total (Computer Science MSc: 7 credits, Computer Science MSc for Autonomous Systems: 10 credits).

It is also up to you, what kind of subjects you study, the only limitation is that sport courses can be accepted as elective courses up to the amount of 3 credits, the same goes for language coures.

Elective courses you can choose from
  1. Courses offered by any specialization of the Computer Science MSc programme and the courses of the Computer Science MSc for Autonomous Systems programme (of course, the compulsory courses of the programme you are pursuing cannot be counted as elective courses).
  2. BSc courses
    You are entitled to take BSc courses in computer science. The document http://csmsc.elte.hu/curriculum/curriculum_CSBSc.pdf lists all BSc courses with course codes, credit values, weekly hours, recommended semesters, prerequisites etc.
  3. Cartography/Geoinformatics courses
  4. Language courses
    Completed language courses of our University will be accepted as elective courses up to the amount of 3 credits. In other words, you may take any language courses during your stay here, but at most 3 credits will be taken into account.
  5. Sport courses
    There are many sports (about 40) you may choose from. Sport courses in general are each worth 1 credit. Completed sport courses of our University will be accepted as elective courses up to the amount of 3 credits.
  6. Courses given by guest lecturers
    Some elective courses are given by guest lecturers coming from other countries. This is why their classes are scheduled for a short term and are given in block structure (for example: every day between 16:00 and 18:00 during a given week), due to the time constraints of the guest lecturers. These courses usually worth 1 credit.
  7. Any ELTE course
    As an ELTE student, you can study any course offered by any faculty of ELTE (we have 9 faculties).
  8. Elective courses offered by Faculty of Informatics specifically for Master students